Fourneau Closing Sale


Just got an email that Fourneau is closing down, and is having a sale on their Grande Bread oven.  It is basically a cast iron dutch oven, though it has a stone base, and the cast iron enclosure sits on it ,  you preheat it in the oven, then open a hatch, add a loaf, and then water, if you desire, close the hatch, and bake   I had the original model which was smaller and had a cast iron bottom -  got it used pretty cheap, and it worked well, though the size was a bit limiting.   Sold it and bought the Grande.   I think the size of the Grande is in the same neighborhood as the Challenger Pan  ( though have not checked the measurements).  The big plus over a dutch oven or combo cooker, IMO, is that the entire thing stays in the oven the whole time, so you are not worried about burning your hands when you load a loaf or removing it.  The downside is that I didn't like the aluminum tray with the silicone pad for loading a loaf -  I just didn't like the texture of the bottom of the loafwhen it baked resting on the silicone, so I just used a wooden peel to load.    If you were looking at a Challenger, this might be something to consider, though it is a bit pricey.