How Much More Hydration for Bread Flour vs AP


If I switch a formula from AP to bread flour, how much should I increase the hydration?

I'm  making the Auvergne rye-wheat boule from  "The Rye Baker"

The formula calls for AP for the wheat flour; I think it benefits from the additional oomph (ie higher protein %) of bread flour.

The King Arthur helpline says "a few more TBSP".  Perhaps someone could translate that to a few more % hydration.



I think you could start with 3% more water based on the weight of the AP flour. I think a little more than that will be the end point. You will have a chance to check this directly when you make the wheat sponge, if you use bread flour instead of the AP. Add water until it seems like 100% hydration with AP. If you aren't going to use KA bread flour, that might make a difference in its desire for water.


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have fun with the pan de meteil, Louis.

the rye baker web site also gives 2 recipes for auvergne tourte de seigle. Both are 100% rye:

the 1st is with sourdough and yeast

the 2nd is only sourdough



In this video he does some comparisons that might help. I know he has another video that is focused on how to determine how much water a flour type can hold but I I didn’t save it. 

I watched it a while ago and it was very helpful and well done.