Soybean baguettes, hasn't nailed it yet lol

Profile picture for user WanyeKest
23% soybean baguettes

Practicing baguettes is so much fun! I decided to scale down my baguettes from 29% soybean 78% hydration to 23% soybean 70% hydration to emphasize shaping and scoring.


apparently soybean is too fatty to allow me to produce open crumb. Still have to practice!



Looks like an excellent crust to me! How does the crumb look like? And in what form do you incorporate your soybeans? Are they soaked and ground, or in dried powder form?


I'll post a detailed one once I'm happy with the formula and the result. These ones I made are for photos I needed for an errand :)

The crumb is closed since the flour is quite fatty. Toasted soybean flour is used to make this one. The 29% soybean ones taste like peanut butter, and my starter made it also taste like banana! Go wonder! XD