
Pizzameister - Have you made your kamut bread, yet? Just wondering how you liked it and how it worked for you. I not only love the taste of kamut bread, but it smells so good while you're kneading and baking it. Nancy
Nancy, If only you knew my schedule. Hard to get any baking done, but I did grab an extra bag of K flour, and I have your recipe out. I was thinking about it today as I was making these killer grilled veggie sandwiches for the rest of the clan. Wondering if I could attempt a ciabatta. Looked on the internet a bit earler tonight for such, and found one at sourdoughhome.com. Mike Avery's site. His experience was that he got little oven spring. That matched my prior results with kamut - flat spreading loaf. Any suggestions?? I think yours, done in a loaf pan would certainly help with the vertical issue, but I want to do it freeform!!!! Be good! Gary

Boy, I don't know, Gary. I have mostly used kamut for bread in pans, but I will give it a shot next time. I am fairly surprised to hear about the flat loaves, though, as the ones I have done in the pans get quite lofty. It's strange that the structure would allow for upward movement in the pans, but not freeform... I have also used it for muffins and they turned out pretty good. Not quite as tender as a soft wheat would have, but very tasty. Nancy