Porridge Bread with/ Yudane

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Porridge Bread Boule

Off to a good start! Picture resized automatically! Yeah ! 

This is Maurizio’s original formula with my adaptations which are pretty extensive but I’d never have tried those without his base information. 

I used my flaked grains , the last of my Kernza and the rest is my flaked Barley. I subtracted 8% WW flour and made a 2:1 Yudane ( scald) subtracted the water from the overall water. I also used my Trinity 35g each EVVO, Buckwheat honey, homemade yogurt  and subtracted that from overall water. 

I  milled Marquise and Stardust WW flours from Barton Springs. The rest was Arrowhead Mills Bread Flour. 

Base formula: 

BF- 700g

WW- 300g

H2O- 750g- note the amounts I subtracted from this

Salt- 25g


stored starter- 18g

               BF-      35g

               WW-    35g

                H2O-  70g

Porridge- 250g flaked grain

                 500g water 

Simmer briefly then let soak overnight room temp

This was extremely easy to mix as the higher hydration Yudane is still soft and warm when added to everything else. The porridge is also soft. Hold back enough water to allow for VAST variation in hydration level of the porridge! Mix everything and add the water as needed. Leave for 60 min to autolyse. If more water needed add as you do lamination folds on a wet counter. Can switch to very light dusting of flour as an alternative while doing folds. 

Porridge breads are always a challenge and you have to love a “ tacky” dough. 

The pictures show it all. This bread is SO DELICIOUS! I’ve never made a Yudane and it will be a staple from now on. Amazing texture. No sour at all . It was a 4 hr bulk and a very light shaping with a 1 hr room temp rise and an overnight retard. Baked in covered Graniteware roaster 450 ° lid on 20 min lid off 20 min. 

Amazing texture!


Very inviting, Caroline! The crumb looks surprisingly open for the ingredients.  What grain(s) were in the flaked grains you used for for the yudane? With that much yudane, it can be hard to get the total liquid to work out, especially if you want to hydrate the rest of the flour overnight beforehand - something I've started to do from time to time.  

Such an inspiration!


I had 125g flaked Kernza and 125g flaked barley in the porridge. 

The Yudane was made with 8% of the whole wheat blend ( I milled Marquise Hard Red Wheat and Stardust Hard White Wheat together) the water used for the Yudane was subtracted from the total water called for in the formula and the Yudane wheat was subtracted from the total WW called for. 

I have never hydrated flour overnight, I think that’s what you are referring to? There’s plenty of liquid left to thoroughly moisten everything, the Yudane was very soft , I made it and stirred and it cooled enough and quickly enough that it went right in with everything else and the porridge was room temp and equally soft. 

All my breads are made like cake batter essentially I add enough water and wet ingredients  ( the Yudane and porridge) and about 1/2 the flour and beat well with a wooden spoon to develop the gluten. Add the rest of the flour and drizzle on enough water to make sure all is moist then autolyse ( my version thereof) and adjust water/ dusting of flour as I do my bastardized version of laminating. 

I hope that’s clear. I get really nice crumb this way and requires none of the folding that is so common or using my KA either. 

If I can clarify further please do ask. It’s such a simple process… I likened it to making a cake and it really is basically what we used to call a “ dump cake”! Everything goes in gets stirred really well there you have it. 🙏

Such nice crumb - it looks like you've got every bakers trick in there, from home flaked to yudane. Just how I like to bake! 


I’ve made it a goal to simplify as much as I can in everything I do, not just baking. The fewer steps the better without compromising the end product. 

I tried the  Tangzhong a long time ago  with no good outcome and it requires more effort. The 1:1 Yudane would be so thick  I thought as I was reviewing current postings so I decided I’d try the 1:2 as was noted in the German formula. Works a treat for sure. 

 I’ve baked basically all our bread since the mid 1970’s it’s still a real pleasure to come upon new ideas and successful outcomes. 🙏

Great idea to mix the yudane with a porridge.  Your crumb looks perfectly moist and open.  I did a recent bake with a Tangzhong and a corn flour scald that was interesting.  I overhydrated the dough but the crumb was so flavorful.  I will post soon.  
I like your flavor combo on this one.

Best regards,


We are both awake early! 

Yes this cake was a first for me on several fronts. I’m pleased with everything about it. Your bakes always give me ideas for flavor enhancement. Have a great weekend. c