Hi guys, I was away for many years from your webpage and the blog, but I have now time for baking and finding new ideas.
Years ago, we had a discussion about a substitute for the Swiss Ruchmehl. Has somebody a good solution with a reasonable success?
I'm baking St. Galler Puerli with AP and Rye and they are excellent, but you need time for this bread. I do another bun with AP and Acadian flour - an also very interesting combination.
Cheers - Hampi
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Organic Type 80 Wheat Flour // Central Milling // Organic Artisan Baking Flour
I'll try to find it in Canada - thank you very much!
Cheers - Hampi
I found a supplier for Organic Sprouted Sifted Wheat Flour
Secondspringfoods in Canada/Ontario
Cheers - Hampi