This a test post to try the new image machinery, and to try editing the post. Here's a crumb shot:
This was one of my efforts at making a Altamura-style loaf. Not bad, not great.
After saving the post, I used the "Edit" link to add this sentence. So far, everything has gone smoothly.
[Added later] Here is my original post about this bake:
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I am baking something right now too in large part so I have something to post.
Floyd, I have noticed that the email notices of replies aren't including the author of the reply, which they used to. I find the names helpful. After you get some rest, would it be too hard to include them in the email messages?
I think the email message says right at the top "[username] has commented on:" doesn't it?
It's difficult to find that sweet spot in the ferment. You need to take it to the outer limits to find that perfect taste and crumb however it can all go south very easily. My positive criticism is you have played the ferment too safe, Tom. Something I do a lot because i'm afraid of over doing it. But you'll need to push the limits. You'll probably go over, before you find that perfectly fermented stage, just as I have done many times. Even now it's a bit of hit and miss.
As for shaping I saw one Altamura baker pre-shape it into a boule and let it rest. Then he shaped it into a baguette before picking it up by one end, squashing the top down so the bottom half forms a flatter base. Then with top, which is sticking up, he sliced into it horizintally close to the base, threw some durm flour into the cut then squashed it down from the back. Bit difficult to explain so i'll try and find the video for you.
Toast it up and dip it in EVOO. My favourite way to enjoy this bread, if you haven't done so already.
The DOP-blessed traditional way uses what I think of as very short ferments. 90 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 more then onto the oven. I don't see how that can even work. I suppose it's related to the 3-stage build of the starter/levain. I didn't follow that plan for this bake; I just did pretty much my standard process. Next time though, I'll do the 3-stage build and see if it can support timings like that.
EEVO, I usually prefer butter on toasted slices. You aren't the only one I've read that statement about EEVO and Altamura bread. I'll be trying it. I've got a shipment of Italian durum semola on the way as I write...
When TFL was going through a lot of Altamura bakes this DOP topic came up. An Italian baker chimed in to say ignore the DOP timings. When I first started doing Altamura breads I researched the DOP and did it exactly as written and only when I took his advice did I get closer to the true article. Just why the DOP is written that way I do not know but it is safe to say you don't need to stick to it exactly.
When you try Altamura and EVOO you'll never go back. Made for each other. You can also make Altamura doughs into Focaccia (with olive oil of course). In fact bakeries in Italy, when making Altamura bread, test the ovens by turning a portion of the dough into Focaccia before baking Pane di Altamura.
Found the video...
Hey Tom - Have a look at my bake for bulk time reference.