what am i doing wrong (croissants)? :(:(


i made croissants for the first time today (started yesterday) and this is how they came out. From my inexperienced eye, I think the shape and flakiness are almost acceptable, but texture and lamination are very bad. I followed claire saffitz' recipe from NYT and tried to stick as close to it as possible, though I halved the recipe because I miscalculated how much butter I would need. I will say I'm lacking in a lot of baking equipment (no stand mixer, also didn't have plastic wrap, nor the counter space, so I was working off of a cutting board on my dining table). Not sure how much of an impact that has.

In terms of things I noticed-- when I was rolling out my dough before cutting and proofing, the dough had small cracks and showed the butter underneath. Proofing went ok, but maybe not as puffy/jiggly as ideal. The main thing was when I baked the croissants, some of the butter leaked out... I probably made quite a few other mistakes along the way, but I'm not sure what those were...what can I change next time to keep the butter from melting and make the croissants actual croissants (and not croissant shaped bread)?


Hi badaker,

First i think your croissants have great colour and flakiness! There might be a couple of factors contributing to butter leakage and bready texture. 

  1. First sort out the reason for the dough tearing during lamination. Is this due to the dough being too dry? Is it due to rolling limitations and hence uneven pressure?
  2. Butter leakage is a result of torn dough but also other factors, for example oven heat being too high, or underproofing.
  3. Bready texture is also a result of the layers clumping together due to the inability of the butter to separate torn layers, but again it might be due to underproofing, or dough undergoing bulk fermentation in between lamination. 

I hope this helps you somewhat. There are so many factors that come together to making a successful croissant and I would love to know how this goes. 
