My (almost) annual appeal - give thanks for TFL - 2024

Profile picture for user alfanso

Particularly this year when we are made aware of the time sink that the "Floyds" have invested in an ongoing basis right now during their effort to upgrade the TFL experience.

So here we go again, even if I missed several steps these past two holiday seasons...

This is the time of year that we USA based North Americans have recently celebrated our Thanksgiving as we close in on the heart of the Christmas holiday.  I've been mostly quiet while sitting on the sidelines around TFL these past several years, but still find comfort each day in checking in on TFL early in the day and often again later.

However, I still get a lot of pleasure out of reviewing  other folks' activity on TFL.  More so than on many other non-news or encyclopedic websites.  And I rely on TFL for my enjoyment, diversion and personal satisfaction in learning and sharing what I've learned.  It has played a key role in enhancing my retirement hobby greatly.

I have no personal association with our host Floyd beyond a thanks to him for creating and maintaining this website.  But as long as I have the floor, I'm asking those of you who wish to thank Floyd in a different way than just kind words, to think about donating to TFL.  It may just benefit all of us in the long run. is where I just made my annual donation.

Consider doing something similar if you feel like you get a real value out of TFL's existence.  If Floyd has an alternative method of contributing for you to consider, other than PayPal, I hope that he replies with that information.

I've asked Floyd more than once in the past if it was okay to post these messages, and he said yes.  So until I learn better I'm continuing an end-run and not asking first.

And thanks to Ted (WatertownNewbie) for reminding me.

I had no idea we could contribute to TFL. Or, if I did, I forgot, which happens a lot lately. This place is such a treasure of information and I've learned so much.

Thank you, Alan. I'm glad that you and others continue to enjoy the site.

thanks for the gentle nudge. Alan. I've gotten so much from the people here ... it's only right to support a site I believe in.


Of course not, I was just playing with ya. And thanks for the nudge, I don't recall seeing this last year.

Floyd definitely has my vote for the coveted "Moderator of the Year" award!

The amount of information this site has produced over the years is invaluable.  

This is a contribution that I readily make and know that the site is such a bargain.  We all gain so much.  Thanks, Floyd, and please pin this thread so that it doesn't slide out of view.

Happy baking (and coding).


Thank you for the gentle reminder Alan.

Floyd thank you again for all the hard work and time you spend keeping the lights on here.

Donation made.

Happy Holidays.


For giving the blessings and passing around the hat! I have been skipping a few gatherings or sitting in the back but I haven’t loss the faith. May they all rise.
