Hi, I just got the Bosch universal mixer. After first week of use there are scratches on the plastic center column in the bowl. Is this normal wear or am I doing something wrong?
Currently only used the dough hook with extender and mostly making bread in batch of approx 11-12 cups (1500g) 100% whole wheat flour with 65-70% hydration. Machine seems to be handling it well.
Congrats on your new Bosch! An all around great mixer.
Is your Dough Hook Extender the plastic add on piece? There is also a newer stainless steel dough hook that has a stainless extender cast into it.
I've got an original Bosch Universal that I bought in 2000 and still use and a Universal Plus that I bought last year and neither of them have the scratch marks. I make batches of dough once or twice a week about the same size as yours. Sometimes a little larger or smaller.
I suspect that your Dough Hook Extender is rubbing. Have you removed the bowl from the base and spun the dough hook assembly around? Does it move smoothly or does it rub on the center post? It should not wobble, but move smoothly and uniformly around the bowl. Also look at the base of the bowl to make sure that the Drive Shaft Assembly is snapped into place properly.
Look forward to seeing what you find out.
That being said, after many mixes my plastic Bosch bowl has no deep scratches. I have moved to the old style S/S bowl since I mostly mix bread dough.
Thanks for the reply. I think you are right; the plastic dough hook extender is rubbing the plastic column. It glides smooth, but definitely touching the column in that area where it is rubbed. Good to hear that it should be able to handle my batch of dough.
Hey! Don't worry, scratches on the plastic column are pretty common, especially with heavy use. 100% whole grain flour with high hydration puts a strain on the mixer, and while Bosch usually handles these tasks well, the parts can get a bit worn.
My 18 month old Bosch Universal looks exactly like yours and I have not been happy with the idea that microplastics from the scratches on the white column are ending up in my dough. After reading these posts, I left the dough hook extender off. After all, if Ken Forkish can make bread with 3 or 4 folds, my Bosch should be able to make bread with just the dough hook.
I am very happy to say the Bosch dough hook alone kneaded the bread just fine and I definitely don't miss cleaning that dough hook extender. That being said, I was making 7 lbs of dough that was half white AP four and half whole wheat flour at 72% hydration, although it seemed like lower hydration.
No to the dough hook extender and a happy outcome!
BTW this new site is much easier to use. In the past I sometimes hesitated to post because it was so difficult!
I ended up going through Bosch warranty. They did replace my bowl (they see the issue quite often). I was advised not to use the dough hook extender. It should be ok to use for small batches, but it should do just fine without it and then you don’t risk scratching that center column.
Even after having mixed only smaller batches with the dough hook extender, my bowl is looking similar to your photo after a couple months usage. Wonder if they would replace it. Did you have to send your old one in? I don't want to take advantage of the warranty, though...
They send me a new bowl with the centre column, once received it, I returned mine. I’m not going to use dough hook extender again, not even with small batches. Don’t want to risk ruining another bowl and getting plastics in my dough. Still have my kitchenaid, so I will keep using that machine as well.