I am looking for a decent set (2) of manual flour sieve (sifter) as pictured below. I intend to use this for sifting out bran from freshly milled flour. When on Amazon, there are so many brands and many from China that I've never heard of. Looking for a good name brand, hopefully stainless steel, 6 inch minimum diameter, and 40 & 60 mesh.
Thank you.
I bought #40 and #50 sifters from Breadtopia and they seem to be well made:
For sifting out bran, I usually use a #30 which often gives about 90% extraction with locally-milled stone-ground flours. I don't remember where I got mine but if I come up with it I'll post here.
Here's the #30 I bought. It's a Vollum FSSS8-30M -
It seems sturdy and has been working well at the low level of use I give it. The web site shows it being out of stock at the moment but they might have a similar one - they have many sifters for sale.
Good service and prices. I have 3 Vollum sifters.
I mill flour and make 100% wh grain loaves.
I have the #20 mesh which yields about 88% extraction (flour milled in Komo mill).
I usually have to take the sifted coarse parts and grind them separately for 35 sec in a spice mill. Then most of it passes through the sifter (I use it all sifted or not).
I gave up on my #40 because of the amount that came through the sifter ( done by hand not mechanical shaking).
I did notice that a poolish (24h in refrig) on half the whole wheat flour helped immensely to condition the bran.
Hope you find what will work best for you!
Food for thought - I mill and sift on almost all my bakes.
I purchased the two sieves from Breadtopia but found that sifting manualy took a lot of effort and generated a fair amount of flour dust on my counters so I returned them and purchased and electric sifter that came with a lid and #40 and #60 sieves.
This setup works really well, it's fast and virtually dust free, and I have no complaints.
I don't see the content of this post even though I'm sure it's there. Could you re-post or edit it, please?
I'd recommend going at least 8" and getting finer sieve an inch larger. Can't help you with choosing - looking at my order history mine, a #35 and a #55, came from Magic Mill some 10 years ago and are no longer offered.