Hello, have a 20qt hobart mixer that needed new grease. Worked great just needed the grease changed. Took it apart and cleaned/ repacked the machine. The old grease was some sort of green stuff with a lower viscosity (smelt like something I would use on a tractor and the wife hated it) than the new white food grade grease I used. I used what I believe is the factory spec amount of 1kg.
Now for the problem I'm experiencing. 3rd gear works fine. 1st gear will only work very rarely and when it does it only stays in it for a few seconds before going into 3rd gear speed. 2nd gear will spin at speed 1 but will occasionally hang up when using this speed.
Is this new grease preventing the shifter yoke from moving the gears properly?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
This belongs in the Baking Equipment subforum.
hmmm: yippee posts about a blender for sale & you engage; tcrd posts about repairing a mixer & you want it banished to a subforum.
The great thing about this site is that lots of people are interested in different things & we tolerate each other. I say: wherever it's posted, let the people invested in machine repair geek out.
It would be easier for people looking for equipment info if we keep it in the baking equipment forum. Honestly, I should probably move my blender post there too!
That's exaggerating.
There's no intolerance here, it was a friendly suggestion. The OP is new and likely hasn't familiarized his/herself with the site's organization and the various forums available. They're more likely to find interested readers if it is posted in the relevant forum.
... my ignorance, then. When I enter tfl, my splash screen features the general forum, comments, blog posts & 'off-topic subjects.' I had no idea there was a machinery subforum. And I've noticed that comments on off-topic posts don't get threaded with other comments. Nor do, I'd guess, posts in the machinery subforum. What I'm saying is, it's kind-of opaque how the site works -- and, for inst, since I never see the machinery section, I have no idea how to post to it or who else might see it.
A direct link to the forums list.
That's how I enter.
You can see them when you create a new post. There's a pulldown that gives various sub-forums. Not much of a help when one just goes to the home page...
Replies to blog posts go to the original poster and others who have replied. I don't know if it's the same for the sub-forums.
[Later] Oh, yes, of course, there's the "Forum" link right on the home page.