I’ve been making sourdough bread for twelve years, refining my standard recipe base on Ken Forkish’s Campagne recipe from his book Flour Water Salt Yeast.
I tried twenty different recipes before settling on the Campagne recipe as my standard. I’ve augment it by adding sprouted whole wheat flour an KAF’s Harvest Grain mixture for a more hearty, rustic flavor.
This is my daily go-to breakfast meal along with a variety of toppings such as honey, peanut butter, fresh strawberry jam, elderberry jam or black raspberry jam along with a glass of milk and my daily French press coffee.
i use Dutch ovens along with a couple ice cubes to bake each loaf for 55 minutes leaving the lid on the entire time for a slightly softer crust.
i continue to do controlled experiments, varying one element at a time with slight variations of hydration, salt, or proofing time trying to improve the overall rise.Currently, I think I have been over-proofing so trying a reduced proof time - 4 hours instead of five hours after all folds and twelve hours overnight in the refrigerator.
I bake double batches once every five weeks making five loaves in total. A loaf lasts me seven days with never any sign of mold on day seven.
I’m willing to share my recipe and instructions, if anyone is interested. Send me an email at bableck@gmail.com
Attached is an image of my last controlled experiments, adjusting baker’s percentages upward to 75% and 78% from my prior standard of 70%. I’ve now settled on 75% hydration and adjusting proofing time next.
Thoughts on how to increase the rise are appreciated.
By all means write a blog about your recipe sharing the method and photos. I wouldn't advise putting your private email on the main page.
You do have a personal message option on this site too. Look on your profile and see if it has been activated.