I have seen a lot of info online about how to repair/restore these; ours badly needs a cleaning, some rust removal, and a new coat of paint, and almost certainly new grease. But I'm not really up to the job of doing it myself, and was wondering if there are people or services who could help with this. I could certainly do some of the work myself, but I am very confident I'd mess up the job of taking apart and cleaning the motor, then reassembling and repacking it with grease. Plus I'm not sure how to go about stripping old paint, rust, and repainting it. Honestly I'd be so happy to pay someone to do the job, haha.
I sent an email off to Hobart, but I don't know if their service centers would do the job on a machine this old (they said it was manufactured in 1991). Does anyone know of local shops or people in the San Diego, CA, USA area that would be able to help?