Still can’t get photos to load. Oh well the bread is perfect. 😊
Danni doesn’t post here anymore but her amazing breads reside in my list of favorites forever.
I flake my own oat groats. I use my Trinity , add 100g of very active Apple YW along with SD levain and sub an assortment of fresh milled grains.
The biggest and most notable change for this bread is the fermentation temps and timing. I’ve never done either like I did this time and likely won’t be able to replicate exactly but will try due to how well the bread dough performed.
100g oats toasted and then add 200g boiling water stir and set aside.
250g active levain -100% hydration
100g active YW
200g hard red wheat milled
100g rye milked
100g spelt milled
175g Stardust
425g Arrowhead Mills unbleached AP
23g salt
40g each- Yogurt . Honey. EVOO = 120g
550-650g water ( hold out 100g depending on your porridge consistency add as needed when doing first in the bowl folds)
Put the 550g water, 100g YW, salt, levain and Trinity into large bowl. Whisk together. Add the room temp porridge. Mix well. Add all the whole grain flours and beat hard with a wooden spoon like cake batter. Add all the AP flour and do in the bowl folds turning and folding til everything evenly moist. This is when you can add held back water as needed. Just enough so all is moist. Cover autolyse 30-60 min. Wet counter and do folds using part or all of that held back water. Dough should be very pliable and not sticky.
Oil a large bucket and place dough into bucket. Lightly oil top of dough.
This where I departed from all previous bakes . It was late so I placed the covered container on the screened porch approximately 50° out at 7 pm. Left it to rise til midnight- it wasn’t as much as I would have liked so went back to bed. At 6 am it looked fantastic! I lightly floured the counter dumped out divided gently into two huge pieces gently rolled each into a long cylinder tucked ends rounded into boule and placed into cloth lined bannetons.
Left at room temp a couple hours til quite puffy then retarded in the fridge til late in the day . They grew well above the banneton sides. Huge beautiful loaves.
Preheat 475 turn down 450 - 25 min covered graniteware roaster then uncovered 425- 20 min.
Perfect color. Natural burst on top and amazing crumb for a porridge high grain bread. And exquisite flavor profile.
- trailrunner's Blog
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Great looking moist crumb. My last bread I had a similar thing happened and I had to improvise my bulk.
Anyway, this was certainly a success and must have been tasty.
I will have to make a porridge bread very soon.
Best regards,
I wish I could count on the temps being like that more often LOL !! It was incredible to touch the dough and see how puffy and light with all those whole grains, My husband said I hope you are making this again....um...sure honey I'll get right on it ! Oh well I will definitely try my best. Almost no room temp involved so that I can definitely do for both bulk and after shaping. Good Luck your breads are always so inventive. c