Newby, north-central Ohio, land of The Best Damn Band in the Land


Howdy, y’all! Newby bread baker, tried and gave up ten years ago. Bought several loaves of a Rustic Amish loaf that’s rekindled my interest in baking my own wholesome bread. I’m diabetic, retired, disabled, peace/human rights activist. Thanks everyone!

Being a diabetic, you will get a smaller glucose spike with Rye sourdough bread. At least 50% rye will get you the health benefits. Make sure you coat each slice with proteins and fats to reduce the spike.


Bread baking is a simple  and complex hobby. Time to UNlearn some of the things you learned a long time ago. At least, that is how I started. I had all these "facts" in my head but I didn't understand what they really meant and why I had to do them.

Learn how to make bread by making bread often! Ask questions, try adjusting 1 thing and make it again.

Keep a notebook. This is a learning curve and as a retired (translation- older) person myself, it helped me keep track of which change I made on this umpteenth bake. For a while, make 1 recipe to work with to gain some insight.

Use the search feature on this site and ask LOTS of questions. Learn how to post pictures. This is one of the best sites for learning but it means there has to be a conversation-back and forth.

Welcome to TFL!

Your insight and advice is well-received and appreciated. Great idea re the logbook, I never would have thought of that. Thank you so much.