Soon the higher-end 1 lb. Zojirushi should be delivered. It has a dispenser for things like nuts and seeds.
i wonder if I could use it to dispense a mixture of raisins and cinnamon sugar, so they’d be randomly distributed, like a real cinnamon raisin bread. The goal is to have the whole process done when I wake up.
Hi ,
It will be fun to see your Zojirushi results.
(I only have an older model so I just sprinkle in add-ins at last 5 min)
Zojirushi has baked lots of loaves for me and I hope you will get your recipe refined for your machine.
Sugar can clump together or spread unevenly because it's finer and has a different texture than nuts and seeds. One way to fix this is to put the raisins directly in the mold, and then sprinkle the dough with sugar and cinnamon by hand right before you go to bed.