I’M SORRY! I used the soft wheat had both out for two different projects. Corrected .
Amazing, light as air. And the flavor! My husband is the biscuit man expert! We have the best formula ever thanks to a blog that I will link. Get your buttermilk icy cold. Melt the butter ( use WAY less butter than folks think you should) stir into the icy buttermilk and voila. No cutting no overworked dough. Perfection.
Will update with formula if you are interested. C
340g freshly milled Purple Straw grain Barton Mills ( chill with the buttermilk while prepping everything else)
15g sugar
2 g baking soda
9 g baking powder
4 g Kosher salt
480g very very chilled whole fat unadulterated Buttermilk
60g melted butter
Some notations: I know this flies in the face of more butter is better but for truly light biscuits this is ever so much better and…. you can spread it ON the tender light hot biscuit in lavish fashion as you eat! This flour is very thirsty! This is double the amount of buttermilk he usually uses with Arrowhead Mills AP . ⭐️ you can’t really have too wet a biscuit dough… but you can definitely have too dry. So don’t worry. It’s ok to mix with a wooden spoon these will not be tough. Scoop with a regular sized ice cream scoop drop on parchment place in preheated 450° approx 15 min. These are “ cat head” biscuits! Big!! Makes 14.
whisk all dry ingredients. Add melted butter to cold buttermilk and whisk just to mix lightly so you see small blobs ( cooking term). Pour over dry ingredients and fold til combined. Don’t worry it’s easy to mix you aren’t beating it but you don’t want any dry parts.
Scoop/ plop onto parchment. Start watching at 10-12 min but should take 15. Depending on your oven. Enjoy.
Here’s the link to this genius technique! My Robert has done due diligence and his version works! If you decide to use any other flour or not fresh milled adjust the buttermilk downward as required.
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I'd love to try it.
Enjoy and ask if any questions.
I have never heard of the melted butter into cold buttermilk method, so I am pretty interested in trying it.
Enjoy and ask if any questions.
These drop biscuits sound as good as they come. For an alternate flour, I have found that emmer makes for excellent biscuits too.
Emmer in a few years. I use spelt regularly. I’m really happy with Barton Springs Mill. They are extremely responsive and very open about where their grains are grown… name the farmer! All organic and they have great sales. I’ve been working through my stock and will. branch out this Fall. Thanks for the tip.
I got the Bahn Mi book! Need to touch base with you about the ingredients if you used the VWG and Vit C . Thanks c
These are on the bake list for sure! I have to place a new order of grains this week as I’m just about out of Stardust again. Thanks for sharing. I have not made biscuits in a while so time to make these!
Best regards,
They are about 2oz each give or take. Freeze right away and thaw at room temp as you need them then reheat in the toaster oven not m/w. They taste as fresh as just made . Enjoy!
Purple Straw NOT Stardust! I was making two different things . Will go back and edit. Use the soft wheat. Sorry!
No worries, I see how that could make a little bit of a difference 😉
I’ve never made a mistake like that before when posting on TFL … mea culpa after 14 or so years. Mind is slipping!🙏
You’re not alone 😩