Adapted from TX Farmers formula which she in turn adapted from Laurels Bread Book. It’s simply outstanding and easy when you remove all the mixer stuff and follow the lead that was started of hands mostly off the dough and let time do the work.
We don’t care for the shreddable crumb instead we like the cake- like fine crumb. So enough about that here’s my variation on a classic.
Levain build:
26g stored starter
43g H2O
80 g flour - I milled Stardust Hard White Wheat
mix ferment overnight -use all 149g
89g rolled oats - I flaked oat groats
403g boiling H2O
14g salt
mix and cover overnight
536 g flour ——I milled 100g Spelt 200g Rouge de Bordeaux and the rest Stardust
100g active YW apple
50g EVOO
67 g honey
mix everything till wet. Cover 30 min. Mix by bowl folding . Rest 30 min. Bowl fold once more. Butter heavily a 13x4x4 Pullman I use the lid and butter well. Scrape dough into pan even out with wet spatula. Replace cover don’t close all the way rise almost to top. Refrigerate either overnight or while you do preheat.
Bake 375° 30 min covered 15 min uncovered.
Cool thoroughly. I divide in 3 and freeze 2 pieces. Incredible bread.
only the one picture. I have trouble with the photo part for some reason uploads get denied too big. Anyway this is the best Pullman Hands Free yet
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The process keeps working, and you keep creating wonderful breads. That flour mix sounds like it must have a fine taste.
I’m having a very tasty toast breakfast with fresh peaches! It’s a very easy bread formula and can be changed up in many ways. Thanks! c
The crumb looks perfect and I love that combo of whole grains.
Best regards,
It’s delicious . A new combo of flours. The Stardust is just amazing. We’ve used it 50/50 with semolina Rimacinata to make pasta and it’s simply outstanding. A must try for you.
How is your wife’s recovery coming along? c
It’s one of my favorites. I used some in my last bake that I will try and post soon. Lisa is doing a little better each day. She had the sutures removed the other day and everything looks good. Another 2 weeks and she will go to a shorter hard cast. Thank you for asking 🙏🏻
So glad she’s recovering nicely. Excellent caregiver ❤️
Thank you
That looks perfect to me Caroline and I bet it is very tasty as well.
Cheers from Canada.
It was very tasty… not the past tense lol. Flaked the last of my Kernza that was 2 yrs old so had to wet/ prep it 2x to finally get some flaking. Bought the set up Gary Bishop had for sale to get the motor . It works great but the Kernza is very tiny so hit or miss flaking. Anyway it will become porridge for new loaves . Stay tuned
You keep adding things to my bake list, lol! That looks wonderful!!
As for uploading photos.... I figured out a work around. I email the photos I want to use to myself. The email account reduces the photo size enough to make it load on TFL. It's a bit of an annoying step (and part of why I don't post my bakes very often) but it does work.
It turned out perfectly. I had an oven failure today so the Nury Rye I had planned to bake is in the pullman pan and is retarding. It isn't as much dough as I would have liked for that pan so we will see how it does tomorrow and I have to borrow an oven til I can get a new ignitor and replace it . We did this 2 yrs ago and it is easy except for the 100 screws that have to come out !!! Part is only $18 and I refuse to pay a huge service charge. I'm ordering 2 ignitors this time !
How do you then get the picture from your email into the posting on TFL ? It used to be that the sizing screen came up every time to allow you to resize a picture. It came up the other day for one picture and then I couldn't get it to show again . I wish there could be a lot of updates on this site. Oh well. give me more details :) thankyou caroline