East Berlin Malt Rye - Malfabrot (Germany)

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Today's bake: East Berlin Malt Rye -  Malfabrot (Germany)

Source: The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg

Notes: None

Substitutions:  None

Discussion:   Another nice rye bread from 'The Rye Baker'. This is a relatively easy bread to make  with only a sponge and main dough. It has a nice sour taste and Stanley describes it best as a 'tender close crumbed bread. The malt is incredibly sweet with strong chocolate, caramel, and coffee notes from the roasting.' I sampled a slice after cooling and then the next morning and the flavors definitely intensify with an overnight aging.

Make again? - Yes.

Changes/Recommendations:  Less flour in the bannetons and scale the formula for larger boules.

*** The Images can be made to full size by placing your cursor on the image and right clicking, and then, open image in a new tab.


East Berlin Malt Rye   Malfabrot (Germany) 6.27.2024 R.png


East Berlin Malt Rye   Malfabrot (Germany) 6.27.2024 Crumb.jpg

East Berlin Malt Rye   Malfabrot (Germany) 6.27.2024 Crust.jpg

East Berlin Malt Rye   Malfabrot (Germany) 6.27.2024 F.png

East Berlin Malt Rye   Malfabrot (Germany) 6.27.2024 P1.png

East Berlin Malt Rye   Malfabrot (Germany) 6.27.2024 P2.png




Very appealing loaves Tony with that natural "scoring".

That's an awful lot of malted barley, or at least it would be for a wheat bread. Must have tasted amazing? 


Tony, they are great looking rye loaves.  I love the way that they opened naturally, they are very handsome.  I wish I liked rye more than I do, but what can you do, I would otherwise try it just to bake a beautiful loaf like yours.


What an artful super-dank dark bread! Can you give more info on the malted barley. Powder or syrup? Non-diastatic, I assume, if it's roasted. Thanks.



I posed this question a couple of years ago when I wanted to make this bread. TFL member@mariana found a reference to the authentic Malfa Kraftma Spezial Brotmehl. I found the spec sheet for the malt:


I only had a crystal barley malt at 120° L and was very pleased with the result. But I want to try a darker malt closer to the spec. I recently purchased a Simpsons Coffee Malt (160L) and Crisp Malt Pale Chocolate Malt (200L) from the local brew store. I haven't made the Malfabrot with these yet, but I will report on them in the future when I do. Also note that crystal malts are slightly different than plain roasted malts. The malt is allowed to liquefy and crystallize during the process and that may impart a stronger caramel flavor.

That is sure a beauty!!

I love the cracks and crumb. Wow!

I don't have your particular malt -only pale malt, wheat and rye malts, and a dark chocolate rye malt.

Your malt seems to really make a difference in flavor. Choc rye malt gives a lot of neat visual effects but not so great on flavor without spices.