MINI--Stuffed Nury's Rye?


Hi Mini,

You're such an imaginative cook, always doing or changing something. I know you're busy with a few things over in another thread (roasted flour, corn, millet etc.) and I'm waiting for that Apricot Dumpling recipe to appear but I have a question to use up more of your time.


I'm making a double recipe of Pierre Nury's Rye today and I'm wondering how you did the stuffed/filled, whatever, Nury breads in the original Nury thread. I thought I'd take one of the loaves and use it for that sort of bread for dinner. Did you just put the fillings on top or fold the dough over on them? Being such a wet dough I doubt that you rolled it. If you have the time let me know. If not, I'll give it a go on my own.


Thanks. weavershouse

Here is my Blog on it  pizzies-pierrenuries-9-story

I think I just sort of flopped it over using the edge of a cookie sheet or something similar. First in half and then again pinching the edges shut so everything wouldn't squish out when I wasn't ready. Keep plenty of flour around.  Have fun! 

Mini O

I must have missed that entry! Looks great. I have some regula and scallions in the garden and I'll see what else is around. Thanks.                                                                                                         weavershouse
I made a most delicious dinner. I was tired after working all day in the garden but before I came in I picked scallions, arugula and a young garlic to use on the folded pizza. I also used motzarella, sun dried tomatoes and some Sicilian sausage I had cooked earlier.  I think Nury's Rye is my new pizza dough. Yum.                                  weavershouse

I do like this dough and I'm glad it was a hit.  You put some great toppings on it too!  How could it not fail?  Yum is right!

Mini O