I have baked bread for the last 36 years and have found this forum extremely interesting and educational. I decided to share this recipe because it is so easy and versatile, yet the rolls are delicious. After preparing the dough, you can either put the dough into a covered bowl in the fridge and use when and as much as needed. Or you can go ahead and make into rolls and refrigerate covered for 2-3 days, then when needed, remove from the fridge and let sit (uncovered) until they rise--usually a couple of hours. Or you can make into rolls, let rise an hour or so and then bake. I don't even remember where this recipe came from, but I have made it hundreds of times. This recipe makes about 48 dinner rolls.
2 pkg. yeast
3 cups water, warm
3/4 cup butter or margarine (or mixed), melted but not hot
1 Tbs. salt
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs, room temp.
9 to 9 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 stick mellted butter, margarine or oil combination
Dissolve yeast in water. Beat sugar, butter and eggs together. Combine yeast and sugar and add to egg mixture. Stir in salt and enough flour to make a firm, but sticky dough. With floured hands and adding a little flour as needed, make into approximately 48 rolls placing into baking pan which has been sprayed with non-stick spray and has approximately 3 Tbs. melted butter or oil in it. Turn to coat rolls. If desired, brush with more melted butter. Let rise approximately 1 hour or cover with sprayed plastic wrap or foil and place into refrigerator. When ready to cook, preheat oven to 350* for approximately 30 minutes or until brown.
Thanks for posting.
As long as we're sharing, here's my recipe for [url=http://home.earthlink.net/~myjunketc/bigaWhiteLoafBread.pdf]Pull-apart Rolls or Pan Loaves[/url] - it's a little more complicated than yours but makes lovely dinner rolls or a tasty white bread loaf. I like to apply a final egg glaze (but that's optional)