I got into making bread a couple of years ago after wanting to make some health changes and drifting away from the keto craze.
I've learned a lot, so I thought, but realized I know so so little.
I'm hear to learn, especially the science side of things as well as techniques. Right now I’m making yeasted breads but have unsuccessfully played with sourdough. The sourdough is really where I’d love to excel but I’m missing the mark and understanding of the process. I have a starter that’s been going for about 8 months but it smells more like a cider vinegar than a fruity smell I hear others description of theirs.
anyway, thx for listening. I will be lurking around gleaning what I can and possibly asking questions that are not to annoying. . Thx
If a starter smells too acidic - feed more. Simple really. Enjoy!
Thanks, I’ll start feeding it twice a day and see how that goes.
You won't be annoying at all!
I use a starter called clas. It takes 24 hours to make, but you must have a temp controller. It works great for freshly milled whole wheat-very good for healthy eating. :)
There are a lot of other ways to get a starter too!
I have never heard of this but it looks very interesting. Thx
Hi Robbie, I also only use fresh-milled flour in my bread baking. Mostly 100% spelt since it both tastes better and behaves better for me than the (supposed) hard red wheat available in the bulk bin at my grocery store.
Keep us posted about your baking adventures!
I have a variety of grains but working with organic hard red before moving on to something else. Spelt is another I have but before trying other grains I need to get my starter built up.
CLAS is by far the easiest way to get started.