I am brand new here but have found so much useful information! I am about to make traditional panettone this Christmas season, which I have done once before- I was really happy with how delicious it turned out! My question is, we have mostly duck eggs and I’d like to avoid buying lots of eggs from the store if I can help it - can I use duck eggs for a panettone, or will it be too heavy and rich to rise properly? Ours are about the same size as large chicken eggs and have worked very well for other enriched doughs but this might be a whole other beast!
thank you!
I don't know of any reason why this would be problematic but you'll have to let us know ;).
The structure relies on gluten development so the extra richness won't have the same effect as they do in a sponge cake. Keeping the yolk total weight the same, maybe just dial back on some of the butter to compensate for the extra fat. I presume the flavour will be slightly different however...
Let us know.
Thank you for the feedback! I may give it a whirl this next month and will update!
Just reporting back that the duck eggs worked just fine! I had some unrelated issues including some trouble with my pasta madre, but the yolks behaved great and incorporated almost more easily than chicken eggs!