Infinity CB - Rosemary Polenta Oat Pullman Loaf


My wife and I took our newborn daughter home from the hospital on Saturday and we didn't have any fresh bread to eat, so I refreshed my starter and got baking Sunday. I'd seen the discussion for the community bake and wanted to participate, but my options for non-wheat were corn meal or grinding oats or rice. I chose to go with the corn meal and cooked it like a porridge. I also used soaked oats as the 10% seed portion, though in hindsight I probably should've mixed them into the "polenta" after it was done cooking to avoid adding more water, as the dough was extremely wet.


Does 85% extraction flour count as 50% white and 50% whole wheat? It does for me.


The crumb is slightly gummy, but toast it and it's great. Honestly for 99% total hydration and 40% non-wheat grains it turned out really well.

First, congratulations on the birth of your daughter.  You must be ecstatic and exhausted.  And on top of that to bake a loaf of bread, you must have been hungry.  [insert smiling face and wink]  Your loaf looks fine.

Happy baking.
