Workday 100% WW w/Olives


I baked my usual bi-weekly Workday 100% WW 

Workday 100% WW Formula, Hamelman, "Bread" 3rd Ed with a couple of changes:

  • 10% of the water bassinage after 4 minutes in the KA stand mixer
  • 10% of the flour weight in sliced green olives, folded in after mixing
  • Levain and final dough fermented at 70 F (I have usually gone a bit warmer)
  • Shaped as an oval rather than a boule
  • A couple of hours short on the retarded proof, because my culture goes dormant in the fridge quickly
  • Warmer than usual 30 minute proof at 85 F to compensate for the shortened retarded proof

I ended up with a slightly more open crumb than usual (maybe less mixing than usual) and a very nice flavor.  15% olives, or maybe black rather than green olives might have provided more flavor.  

Workday 100% w/Olives Photos