HARDLY USED (really - less than 15 times) NERO 400 OVEN with 3 STEAM TRAYS, CABLED FOR 220
I have a near new Nero 400 oven for sale. It's reputed to be an upgrade from the Rofco 40 with better door, door lock and hardware. It's a beast - runs on 220. I've used it not more than 15 times. I'm selling it to either get a smaller oven or return to using the house oven we already have because we don't need this much baking surface. This is for a micro-bakery - it's capable of production baking - you can bake 8-10 loaves at a time. I'm including the steam trays too.
Pick up only in Los Angeles.
$2900. I paid $3600.
Please email jrdphoto@me.com for any additional information.