Banana Cookies


I am trying to reproduce Jean Georges' Banana Cookies, available at his Tin Building. It is regular fairly chewy cookie, soft but not too soft, and with intense banana flavor. Part of that comes from the partially dried banana pressed in the top, but also the cookie itself has intense banana flavor. Here's what I am thinking, but I want to know other ideas for a recipe, both to get the intense banananess and to make a chewy cookie. Thank you!

Here is the JG one: 

I know the Cook's Illustrated way of using black bananas for banana bread, microwaving them then reducing the strained liquid. I do that for the CI recipe, and it is good. But I think that will still result in too much banana for cookies. I believe the recipe uses 6, and I've upped it to 8.


Other suggestions?

You could always just buy banana extract and use it like vanilla. Maybe that feels like cheating, but it's a quick and easy way to get an intense flavour, and I'd say the chances are not negligible that that is what is in the cookies you're trying to imitate.