Sauerland Black Bread - Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany)

Profile picture for user CalBeachBaker

Today's bake: Sauerland Black Bread - Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany)

Source: The Rye Baker by Stanley Ginsberg


  • Changed TDW from 1.291  kg  to 2.259 kg.
  • Pan Size - From: 1 @ 9in x4in x4in / 23cm x10cm x10cm  To: 2 @ 7.88in x4in x4in / 20cm x10cm x10cm. 
  • Hydration from 74.83% to 76.77% due to using fresh milled grain.

Substitutions:  None

Discussion: Another from The Rye Baker. This is a nice rustic bread made of 100% rye flours and sunflower seeds, flax seeds and a little stale bread. When I sampled a slice about 1 hour after it was cool and then again 5 hours later, I was pleasantly surprised at the dramatic change in the richness and depth of the flavors, it needed some time for all of the flavors to mature. This is a moist bread with a nice mellow sour taste combined with a subtle nuttiness and a hint of barley flavoring from from the malt syrup.

I can see this bread pairing well with goat cheeses and medium flavored foods.

Stanley describes the taste as "a well-balanced, interesting bread that pairs well with beer-roasted pork tenderloin, garlic-crusted lamb, and artisanal sheep and raw cow;s milk cheeses."

Make again? - Yes, definitely.

Changes/Recommendations:  None


Sauerland Black Bread   Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) 8.24.2023 R.JPG


Sauerland Black Bread   Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) 8.24.2023 C1.JPG


Sauerland Black Bread   Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) 8.24.2023 C3.JPG

Sauerland Black Bread   Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) 8.24.2023 F.JPG

Sauerland Black Bread   Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) 8.24.2023 P1.JPG

Sauerland Black Bread   Sauerlander Schwarzbrot (Germany) 8.24.2023 P2.JPG





Nice bake! If you liked the flavor better after 5 h, just wait until 5 days!

I made a single loaf of this a couple of weeks ago and the flavor kept getting better and better with each day. My only complaint was that it was a little sticky on the knife, but I may have underbaked it. Definitely a keeper.

I really like the way the flaked grain gives the loaf a great finish. The name "Black" makes me want to put in the dark chocolate roasted rye.:)

This loaF will take some real dedicated time!! But what results!

Thanks again for showing this bake. 

I was wondering if the pullman top"on" could simulate a steam environment.


You could probably bake with the top on, I was following Stanley's instructions by not doing so.


Another beautiful perfect 100% rye bake Tony.  You are quite the expert on these bakes, your consistency is so impressive.
