Bread books or blogs in Italian about sourdough


Can anyone recommend any bread books or blogs in Italian that include recipes for breads leavened with lievito madre?

But I am not home now, and will not be for another week. So, I hope you get some other suggestions and if I remember will post details in about a week.



The most famous book is probably Cresci (2000). But I have other books in Italian in my library

1) Giambattista Montanari (2015) pH4.1 Scienza e artigianalita della pasta lievitata

2) Teresio Busnelli (2014) Manuale della panificazione Italiana

Giorilli's book Panificando... (2003) also has a several recipes for breads with lievito madre. 

I stopped buying Italian baking books after 2015, so I do not know anything about more recent publications. 

Omnia Fermenta by Giambattista Montanari, 2020.  Excellent reference



Thank you, everyone! This is just the information that I needed.