Seeking Recommendations - Sourdough Bread in Berlin

Profile picture for user adamt

Hi there.  My family is going to Berlin at the end of March for spring break.   Any recommendations for great bread bakeries?  I'm also interested in a sourdough class somewhere if any has recommendations for that as well.

Thank you!  - Adam

My wife and I will be in Berlin in October, and I was hoping that someone with local knowledge would post a response to your inquiry.  Oh well.  What I have come up with is a couple of bakeries.  One is Backer Wiedemann, and the other is Lindner.  Both are located on Friedrichstrasse, which is convenient and near the hotel where we will be staying.

If you happen to find some good bakeries, please let us know.  Also, if you have any comments about the two I listed, include your thoughts.

We were in Berlin in 2013, and it is a great city to visit.  Have fun.

Also, happy baking.
