"Super" (well, pretty good) Workday 100% Whole Wheat


After a run of tight crumbs, I made sure to develop the sour and bulk ferment the full 12-16 hrs in the formula. I used a 10% bassinage during the mix, and set the proofer to 75℉; my San Diego whole rye culture likes it warmer than the 70.℉ in "Bread"  3rd edition. 

"Workday" 100% Whole Wheat 2023-02-12 Photos

It's got a nice hearty whole wheat flavor and a fairly open crumb for 100% WW.  

I'm looking forward to watching the game today and munching on the bread with spreads, maybe some Riga smoked sprats as well.  

I couldn't sleep and texted my brother about the score....  Ok, that got me up to see the game in those wee hours but didn't have your spread of goodies to munch on to keep me awake.   I will have to bake and watch a replay soon.  Brother also sent links for the advertisements, as we don't get them here.