Today's bake: Madras Curry, Almond & Raisin Loaf
Source: Based on - Bake Magazine - Chef Julien Otto, faculty instructor at The Fresh Pastry School
Note(s): Added Almonds & Durum Flour, ^ Curry to 1.3%, added Diastatic Malt, converted to small baguettes..
This bread is made from a 74% Bread Flour (KA), 25% of Organic Durum 100% Extract, and 1% Rye (Dark Flour)
All baked on a baking steel.
This is my 2nd attempt making this bread and will definitely will be baking it again.
Changes/Recommendations - When I make this bread again, continue working on improving the scoring.
Tasting Notes
Crumb: Sweet/Dairy - Butter - The curry spice is the outstanding flavor but the raisins and almonds add a nice sweet/nutty contrast.
Crust: Toasty - Nutty
Grain Character: Complex - Cooked Whole Grains
This is a really nice dense bread which I will be making again.
Recipe and Process are below for those that are interested.
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Anyone who adds at least 25% durum to the mix has my vote! Not so sure that the curry part is in my personal Wheel of Baking Fortune, but this looks as a thing of beauty.
"continue working on improving the scoring." - you are joining a very large club when it comes to that statement. Only the gifted few (yours truly excluded) have the knack right out of the starting gate - that cursed Benny 🤓 picked it up in mere several bakes!). For the rest of we peons, it is sometimes a slog which takes time to develop, but it will develop. When fruit and nut are addd to a mix, it is often a more challenging baton to score cleanly. Several of these look dandy and I am also a fan of the Cris-cross scoring on occasion.
Welcome to the Baguette Brigade!
You've got to be a fan of Indian or Jamaican food to enjoy curry. More baguettes to come in the future.
My 2nd work night for a week in Swindon England ~30 years ago, the wonderful co-workers invited me out for "bea" and curry. And when we lived within striking distance to reliable (meaning we liked them) Indian restaurants, one of the dishes was always a curry based affair. I guess one might say that I'm a purist when it comes to ingredients that "shade" the flavor of the dough, so I stick close to home.
These look and must taste amazing. I imagine you don’t need anything to put on this tasty bread either.
As Alan said scoring just takes practice and doesn’t make it taste any better 😉
These are quite tasty all by themselves.
Tony these really are great, you have joined Alan in turning any dough into a baguette! The flavours are very interesting and for those who love curry I’m sure are delicious. I’d love to try a slice of one of those, well done you. I’ll join Alan in welcoming you to the baguette brigade.
You should fire up a small batch to see if you'd like them, you could dial the curry down if desired.
Is definitely my personal baking wheel of fortune, so I tried this today. Really enjoyed it. I’m not a big baguette person so made 2 small batards and 2 small boules. Realized I was out of almonds so used toasted pine nuts instead.
Glad you enjoyed making and eating it. The pine nuts sound yummy too.