Einkorn and spelt flour sources, please

Profile picture for user Mark Sealey
Can anyone recommend good sources where I can buy small (2lb, 5lb… experimenting) quantities of Einkorn and Speltflours, please? Is this Bob's Red Mill as good as any supplier for spelt? Jovial seems to have cornered the market for einkorn…? Ideally I want organic whole, not AP/white etc. I see lots on Amazon - but can they be guaranteed fresh? Thanks so much in advance for recommendations!

Here’s a couple 




If you search individual organic Einkorn berries and organic Spelt berries sometimes some of the suppliers offer milled products also. I didn’t link it but Small Valley Milling in PA is another good one for Spelt. I’ve been using their Comet Spelt Berries for my starter and in loaves calling for WW. They say this variety has higher protein and gluten capabilities. I’ve reached out to them to see the exact protein but haven’t heard back but I’ve had good results so I just go with it. 

Hope this helps

Thanks so much, @dom1972 :-)

I will feel so much better buying from a specialist, better still if a small business with all the right ideals at heart.

Shall see which of those three can supply milled, organic and in small quantities.

Greatly appreciated.

Yes, I had forgotten about Breadtopia; I even have an account there. Very helpful :-)



I buy all my whole grains from them - excellent quality! Better yet, free shipping!


Find out if there's a drop near you:



They have organic spelt and einkorn flour starting from:


27oz (spelt)





24oz (einkorn) 




Profile picture for user jo_en

In reply to by Mark Sealey

I just put my order in and now want to add beans too! I used to drive 40 min to get to a well stocked grain store but they had less selection than azure. Their prices are good. I am looking forward to my order. I will only drive now 12 min to the truck meeting place in a Walmart parking lot.

I hope you have a contact person near you!

Thanks, @jo_en!

No; no pick up location within reach. Shall look for mail order which is fine :-)

about my order being delivered next week 👏👏👏I ordered hulled buckwheat groats, golden flaxseed, black barley, and poppy seeds. What about you?


Good luck, @Yippee!

I ordered enkorn and spelt (both whole and high extraction) sprouted from Breadtopia.

I know just what you mean. Breadtopia has 3lb bags. I use airtight (supposedly) canisters under a table in the dark. But such flours still won't last as long as we'd like, will they :-)

One day you might decide to get a grain mill. Then you can store your grains for a long time without a refrigerator. In Nor Calif, I can keep grain through a summer in the garage. 50 lbs will be used up in about 6 mos in making  bread for 2 people twice a day. You will have fun baking!