I am new to the no knead breads. I have two questions that I hope I can ask here. If not, send me somewhere! The no knead method calls for preheating your cooking vessel while you are preheating your oven. First question. Am I preheating both the bottom and the cover of the vessel, or just the bottom. Second question. I have an anchor hocking blue glass bowl with a cover, perfect size for this bread. Can glass be preheated @450 degrees with nothing in it? any help here is appreciated. my email is sscasagrande@yahoo.com
to placing glass, empty, into a heated oven, or one that is preheating, for that matter. I don't suggest using glass for baking ANYTHING at that high of a temperature. I had a pyrex dish explode in my early foray into breadmaking. Luckily the door to the oven was closed, but it took just that one time to teach me; I'm thankful I wasn't opening the door when the explosion occurred.....can you tell that I'm still shaken? So, please be careful when considering your baking containers. It's best to always error on the side of caution.
I found www.breadtopia.com very informative when I baked NKB for the frist time. Wonder if you know about it.