T80 long cold fermentation

Profile picture for user trailrunner

So pleased!!! 36 hr cold fermentation and boy did the dough respond. Flavor is terrific as well. Really enjoying this flour… good thing since I have 22 kg! 

I was so glad to see the fermentation had really paid off !! Thank you for the link to Caddy's IG acct. I have fed my rye starter per his inst. and it will be mixed into a batch today. There is a batch bulk retarding in the fridge that will be baked tomorrow. Then the rye based the day after and then I will give it a rest !  We can only eat so much !!  I loved your Challah. I always make mine with YW now and it has definitely improved and lightened the loaf. c

The dough becomes completely different after this amount of time in the fridge. I will take a photo tomorrow to show the latest one. Huge bubbles on the surface . The difference in the crumb and flavor are like night and day. Shattering crisp tender crust and very rich taste. Will continue exploring. Thank you. c