I wonder if I am using too much or too little yeast. I use instant quick rise dry yeast. For six large loaves using about 20 cups of flour I use 2 tablespoons. I have had pretty good results but sometimes the top crust lifts in the oven because of rapid rise from the oven spring.
Recipes have a range of 1-2 teaspoons per 500g of flour. But it's by no means set in stone. Reduce the yeast and increase the time.
However I don't think automatically doubling the yeast because one has doubled the recipe always works. In which case for the above formula I'd stick to 1 tsp per 500g flour when multiplying the recipe.
You are making 6 breads so I'd recommend 6 teaspoons. Which is about 2 tablespoons. So what you're doing sounds about right. If you think it's still too fast then cut down a bit. Try 5 teaspoons.
Makes sense. Cheers!