No Magic Bullet


BBA Basic SourdoughBBA Basic Sourdough

I think that sometimes we spend too much times looking for the perfect recipe that will give us what we want, a "Magic Bullet".  But in fact the answer is to spend more time reading and rereading those sections the front of the baking books which talk about the techniques.

These mini-baguettes and one boule are made from Reinhart's Basic Sourdough recipe in BBA.  i did the starter on Sunday morning, mixed the dough around noon, let the dough ferment only about two hours (it was hot and our air conditioning is not working), shaped the loaves and retarded them overnight in the refrigerator.  I took them out around six this morning and started baking around 9:45.

There were three mini-baguettes, but I ate one already; it was great.
