So, I just got into milling my own grain. I am experimenting with milling coarseness, sifting and multiple passes through the mill, along with tempering the grain.
My current mill is a Mockmill. It works great; however, I am trying to achieve a white flour, and I have read that a roller mill is best to separate the bran from the kernel. Understandably the Mockmill is a stone mill, and I am at a disadvantage to achieve my goal.
My question here is not about how to get white flour with a stone mill, but if anyone has used a roller mill to make white flour? I was looking around and saw the Mighty Mill 3 and wondered why is this only geared towards home brewing and not milling flour as well? I don't know anything about brewing, so my guess is that you want a more whole, uncrushed grain, and I am guessing that it is not meant to mill very fine for that purpose. It sure is a real nice-looking mill though.
Has anyone used the Might Mill 3 for flour, or any other roller mill, and what were your results? Did you achieve a pure white flour?
Mighty Mill 3 sure looks like a fine mill for beer brewing (I would love one), but it isn't meant for milling flour, since all it does is crush the grains. Achieving pure white flour is a fairly complicated process for which the industry uses a whole series of very precisely tuned roller mills, including machines that analyse and seperate the particles.
The Mighty Mill has only two rollers that operate at the same speed, which just crushes the grain whereas the rollers on a dedicated roller mill will operate at ever so slightly different speeds, which create a sheering/rubbing action, which allows them to peel the grain as it were, rather than just crush them. In this way they can strip the bran from the grain, making it easier to just have the endosperm and germ left to seperate afterwards. These are things you can't replicate with a simple roller mill, sadly enough.
use the Search tool to find posts by bwraith and proth5 about their home milling exploits. If you are willing to put in the work, you can achieve a near-white flour at home. It is a process, though, what with tempering, milling, and screening.
The Mighty Mill 3 is a grain crusher, not a flour mill, so it won’t be suitable.
Welcome to TFL!
"My question here is not about how to get white flour with a stone mill, but if anyone has used a roller mill to make white flour?"
I've only been participating here about 2.5 years, and so far, I have not seen/heard of anyone using a roller mill at home to directly make flour. Cracked/crushed grain, yes -- fine flour of any type, no.
The roller mills used to make white flour are huge commercial set-ups, nothing that would fit in a home or garage.
Even (most?) small commercial mills don't use roller mills -- when making low-bran flour, they use a machine called a "peeler" to remove much of (not all of) the bran, and then run the "peeled" wheat through a stone mill (and then optionally sifted), or a machine that is called an "impact mill".
I have not seen home-sized grain peelers.
If you want to investigate grain peelers, here's a link to get started: warning, you need to scroll quite a bit:
Congratulations on your home mill. They make great flour.