I have been very focused on my sourdough for a few winters now. Summers are busy for me and SD baking eats up too much of my free time. I baked 16 loaves last weekend and wrapped them in cellophane and freezer bags and froze them for summer consumption.
I got thinking, what would a good SD to Yeast conversion be to make a similar loaf, with similar techniques in baker percentages? My current SD regiment is this with 15% Leaven, 100% KA BF 75% Hydration. My thought was if I eliminated the SD that I could possible fit in some summer baking when the opportunity arose, without the SD baby sitting and leaven building.
- 1hr Autoclasis
- Add salt
- 4 Stretch & fold at 30 min interval over 2 hrs
- Bulk for an 1hr or 2 additional
- Divide, rough shape and rest 30 min
- Shape & into Bannetons
- 1-2 hrs room temp rise
- Overnight in the chill chest
- Score & Bake straight out of the fridge and into 500* preheated oven with 1" stone. Lower temp 475*
- Pressure Cooker full open steam 15 min plumbed into baking chamber
- Vent steam and bake an additional 15 min or until golden brown
I was thinking to try the same regiment and to utilize .5% IDY. Any thoughts on the yeast amount? Should I Lower to .3% ?
thinly spread on sheets of parchment? You could break up the dry flakes and maybe grind to a coarse powder. Store in a dark cool jar. Then chuck in a bit replacing some of the flour in a yeasted recipe.
Hi MO, My question is about where to start with a Sourdough to Instant yeast recipe conversion. I now do dry and store my SD over the winter in the frezzer. I am thinking .5% IDY is probably a good place start and hope to give it a try this weekend.
Not that it probably makes a big difference, I forgot that my recipe is 85% King Arthur BF and 15% KA Whole wheat.
a long time to sit and watch a dough. I would use the regular amount of IDY 1% or even bump it up to 2% or same as the salt weight. I might soften the dried sourdough starter in the soaking Whole Wheat (and salt) in summer heat.) Then raise it fast before the enzymes attack the dough. Try it and see if it works for you. After long hours of sourdough, keep an eye on it once the yeast is added and dough is together.
This would be without chilling the dough or retarding it.
I will try starting at 1%, I definitely don't want to wait forever for a rise, but also want to utilize as little yeast needed to get the job done. I have a proofer as well that will maintain a constant 85*
to get the job done." If it's a matter of stocking yeast try making a stock of fresh yeast
Fresh yeast takes about 3x weight of instant yeast. (3x 7g instant yeast) Roughly 21g per 500g flour. You'd have to play around to find out exactly what works for you but it one more tool in the tool box. You might even love the fresh stuff.