C'est moi, about 2 hours in trying to tweak the mill to get the spelt fine enough to get more than 40% off by way of spelt bran. In case you're wondering, yes, I am desolate, and bowed in abject supplication to the goddess Ceres to yield me more bolted spelt. She was unmoved.
Went back and tweaked to get about 1200 g of finer whole spelt flour, and passing through my 1/30" sieve I was left with a grand total of.....10% retained bran, so I'm calling it a "90% bolted" and will use it when anything like a hi-extract spelt is called for. Many German formulas I've come across call for them, and even Chad Robertson in his one spelt sourdough in Tartine #3 calls for hi-extract spelt.Not too geeked about doing this regularly for such a poor payoff. So looking for sources for a kind of spelt, something like KA's medium rye. Would be a stand-in for German T 1050.
Anyone ever come across a U.S. of Canadian source?
ps: anyone watching the Superbowl? Born in S. Cal so sort of interested in the (sort of L.A.) Rams. Living in WI well, you know. Son is rooting for the Bengals.
High Extraction Spelt Flour – Breadtopia ???
I am in Cincy, but I am not football fan, would root for the home team though.
I'll let my son know!