80% whole grain sourdough baguette

Profile picture for user Ming

I upped the ante from a loaf I baked yesterday for an 80% whole grain baguette I baked today. It had 50% whole grain Kamut, 22% whole wheat, 8% dark rye, and the rest with bread flour. Hydration was around 75%. The process was the same with a slap and fold and a stretch and roll during the 7 hours bulk rise. I was gauging it for a 100% rise, but I think I got fooled as I think the crumb seems under fermented. Yesterday's loaf took 8 hours to double but this loaf did seem to rise quicker perhaps due to a having higher percentage of the whole grain. I hate to say I was disappointed, but it was definitely worth trying for a challenge.  

Crumb shot for Benny, sorry Doc to disappoint you with a very tight crumb: 

Shaped and ready to proof:

Bulk rise ended with dough doubled:

Bulk rise gauge:

Ingredients for the bake: