83rd bake. 01/28/2022. Denisa's 100% rye, take 3.

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Jan. 28, 2022. 83rd bake.  3rd take on Denisa's formula.  2nd bake for the Rye Community Bake.

Her formula is here: https://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/67054/100-whole-grain-rye-sourdough-bread

1st take was in a regular bread pan that was too big. It used store-bought stone-ground whole rye flour, and no bread spice. https://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/69634/78th-bake-01062022-100-rye

2nd take was with store-bought stone-ground whole rye flour in a Lodge cast iron loaf pan, which is smaller than the previous pan. (I would still like to increase dough amount by about 10%.) 1.5 tsp of ground toasted bread spice was used, but I could not taste it. https://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/69787/82nd-bake-01242022-denisas-100-rye-take-2

This bake is using home-milled whole-grain rye flour, cracked in a 3-roller hand-cranked mill, then processed 30 seconds in a Vitamix blender. 8 ounces/226 grams is processed at a time in the blender.

I plan on doubling the ground toasted bread spice to 3 tsp (1 tablespoon.) 

Planned Formula:

Levain: 17 g rye starter, 140 g water, 140 g whole rye flour home-milled. Ferment at 70 F until doubled, which should happen before 10 hours pass.

Final dough: all the levain, 241 g water, 275 g whole rye, 5 g salt, 10 g jaggery sugar + 6 g water as seeetener, 3 tsp ground bread spice, soaked add-ins. 1 hour bulk ferment at 84 F. Pan it in Lodge 4LP cast iron loaf pan. Proof 90 minutes at 84 F.

Bake 20 min at 475 F (Highest my oven goes.) Then 40-45 minutes at 390 F, or until inside is 208 F and it "thumps" correctly.


11:05am - Mixed 17.5 grams of cold rye starter (last fed 3 days ago), 140 g of bottled spring water, and 140 g of home-milled rye flour (whole grain, not sifted).


Also started soaking some seed add-ins: 

  • 10 g raw whole sesame seeds. 
  • 10 g raw whole flax seeds. 
  • 10 g dry-roasted and salted sunflower seeds. 
  • 1/2 tsp whole raw fennel seeds. 
  • 1/2 tsp whole raw caraway seeds. 


Made the final dough by adding water to the levain/preferment, and added the final rye flour, the soaker addins as described above, and 3 tsp of toasted-then-ground bread spice (anise, fennel, caraway, coriander).

Then I realized that I added 275 g water instead of 241 g.  Senior moment #1. So then I added 38 g more rye flour to compensate. This worked out as it made it perfectly fit the pan when proofed.

Let bulk ferment for 1 hour.

Then I realized I forgot the sugar and the salt!  Senior moments #2 and #3. (Lesson: Write out the recipe on the log sheet.)  I didn't want to deflate the dough by re-mixing, so I let it slide. Maybe salted butter or other toppings will make up for it. Maybe the bread spice and added whole caraway and fennel will mask the lack of salt.

Loaf pan was buttered and dusted with bread flour. Dough was put in pan and proofed about 1 hour 34 minutes, which was when about 6 pin-holes showed.

Instead of steaming the oven, the top of the loaf was brushed with water, and covered with raw pumpkin seeds (pepitas). Many came loose when baking, and more came loose when wrapping/unwrapping in the towel. They were tasty.

Baked. 15 min at 475. Then 45 min at 385 in pan. Then 20 min at 385 outside of pan.

Inner loaf temp was 207 F after one hour, but it did not thump right, so I put it on some aluminum foil and baked it bare for another 20 minutes.


After 1 hour 20 mijutes, immediately wrapped the hot loaf in a tea towel and let cool for 2 hours. Then put the wrapped loaf in a plastic bag for 36 hours. Then took loaf out of towel, set towel aside, and put the bare loaf back in the plastic bag for another ~24 hours because I had not finished up previous rye loaf.

Loaf came out of oven at 9:02 pm Friday, and was cut open Monday morning.

Center top of loaf had sunk a bit. Does this mean it was overfermented? Or an effect of cooling and water loss?








Tastes great microwaved with butter.

Lack of salt not too noticeable.  Tastes better than previous rye loaves. Could be the home-milled flour, or could be the increased bread spice.

Crust is a bit tough. I suppose I should have turned off oven heat when I took the loaf out of the pan.

Whatever, I will have to share this to show off the taste. I like it.

From the end of baking Friday night, to Tuesday morning (3.5 days), the crust has softened, I suppose  by the migration of moisture, as the bread has been kept in a sealed plastic bag. 

I'm going to have to make this again, with home-milled rye flour, and without the flaxseed,  sunflower seeds, and sesame seed add-ins, to see if this good flavor is coming from the new flour or the add-ins. The add-ins do change the mouth-feel quite a bit.