Hobart C-100 Update - December 2021


Has anyone found any resources for rebuilding, dismantling, sourcing parts for these obsolete machines?  I've read the other posts on C-100's and found Caroline's detailed photos no longer exist on this website (error - 404, page not found).

did you try archive.org? They snapshot websites regularly over time in case they disappear. Just need the URL for whatever seems to be missing now. If you don't know how, paste the 404ing URL here

Thank you.  I'll give it a try. 

Edit:  Ok, I tried the wayback archive, got a snapshot in June 2014, (Caroline posted her pics on Mar 30, 2014 that are gone) and when I looked at Caroline's posts  as of that June date, I got this for the links to her pictures:

404 Not FoundPlease forward this error screen to www.honeydolistguy.com's WebMaster.

The server cannot find the requested page:

Caroline;s original post is here, just scroll down to her honeydolistguy links for the pics.



@happycat. Good detective work.

Only recently did archive.org start archving (as in copying, and storing the copy themselves) the images.

Prior to that, they only copied/stored the text, (aka the .html) and merely relied on the links to the original images.

When the price of storage reached a certain point, then they could afford to copy/store images.  

I'm still not sure if they copy/store all images, some images, or whether or not they do tricks like convert to lower resolution to reduce file sizes of images.


I logged onto Mixer-Owners and did a search for Hobart and C-100.  I did not get many hits at all.  It seems directed toward Ankarsrum, Bosch, Electrolux, etc. mixers.  Kitchen Aid is not held in high regard (though some folks there love them), and Hobart seems to be ignored.

If you are ever able to find the videos, please let me know. I saved the link several years ago and now that I need it the videos are no longer accessible. (Sigh) I'll do the same.

I am in the middle of a similar tear down of a vintage circa 1965 C100.  I am stuck trying to get into transmission area.   Have read all the notes but a picture would literally be worth a thousand words on how to pull the transmission out of the housing.  

I am in the middle of a tear down rebuild of a vintage  C100, a family heirloom.   I read the great posts by others in their teardown experience.  I could use some insights or pictures on how to get the transmission out.  It seems to be pressed in and no matter how, even with a gear puller, I cannot seem to make headway.   Any help would be greatly appreciated.