I'm low carb not keto so stay under 150g carbs per day but usually around 100g.
I use the Keto King recipe for low carb bread but I find it really hard going in bun form. I usually end up scooping out the middle to help. I'm looking for a slightly lower carb count than normal buns but not hard core keto. Around the 20g mark. Does anybody have a recipe or and idea of what to swap out.
This is my current recipe which comes out at 253cals each and 39.5g carbs.
(makes 4)
4g active yeast
225g bread flour
120ml water
1/2 egg
20g butter
10g sugar already removed
4g salt
3ml oil
The low carb alternatives I have are:
golden linseed
oat fibre
vital wheat gluten
xantham gum
lupin flour
My Keto King bread comes out at 206cals each and 3.9g carbs.
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I've done a little keto bread work, low sugar recipes and a little GF baking but a part carb bake is really a unique area of exploration. I will follow with interest.
My keto bread experience uses almond flour,xantham gum and egg.I also use nutritional yeast as a flavorant since it is leavened with baking powder. The "bread" turns out pretty moist and soft-kind of a texture (not flavor,of course) like a tea bread (such as banana bread). Baked in the right shape (cylinder), it can be used as a bun but the texture is nothing like a hamburger bun made with flour.
I have heard of people using VWG but it seems harder to find locally these days and I haven't got around to ordering any yet. This concept is on my list to try. I have friends that are low carb (not keto) and like to develop recipes for them.
I hope others post-please post any experiences you have with this idea.
Hi Lemonie and clazar123,
I have two recipes for lower carb bread or buns. One has 22g digestible carbs per 100g of bread or a hamburger bun and another - 10g.
Here they are, each one is for 1kg flour total, so if you want to bake something with 250g of flour, divide all quantities by 4:
Protein Rich Wheat Bread
500g bread flour
500g vital wheat gluten
30g fresh yeast or 15g active dry yeas or 10g instant yeast
15g salt
30g butter
30g oil
warm water as needed to make soft dough (about 600g-700g, it really depends on your bread flour and how humid is the air in your home).
Protein Rich Bran bread
450g wheat bran
550g vital wheat gluten
40g fresh compressed yeast or 20g active dry yeast or 17g instant yeast
14g salt
30g butter
warm water as needed to make soft dough (about 600-700g, more or less)
Blend vital wheat gluten with flour or with wheat bran. Dissolve salt and yeast in warm (40C) water. Soften or melt butter.
Mix everything together and let it rest until it reaches room temperature, about 20-25C, then knead as you knead any bread dough, by hand or in any of the suitable machines: food processor, bread machine, mixer, etc. This dough is high on gluten, so its kneading would take about 1.5-2.0 longer than usual. By the end of kneading at the beginning of fermentation the dough temperature should be 26-28C.
Let it rise for 3 hours. In the middle of that period punch it down once, to deflate it. After it rose the second time, punch it down again, to deflate all bubbles.
Divide into portions that weigh 100g, 200g or 300g, not larger and not smaller than that, and shape into loaves or buns. Work on the moistened with water surface with hands, moistened with water.
Use oil to coal bread tins or baking sheet on which you will place your loaves or buns to rise. They will about quadruple in volume as they rise, so fill your bread pans to 1/4 of their volume.
Cover and let them rise before baking in a warm place. At 35-40C it will take 65-70 min, pierce with a needle in various places to eliminate bubbles and large holes inside its crumb, brush with water and bake, preferably with steam if you can.
Loaves that weigh 200-300g will take about 50 min of baking at 220-235C. Smaller buns will be ready sooner.
For those who want to prepare raw gluten at home, there is a version of the same bread with home-made gluten washed out of bread flour. It is in Russian and can be translated with google-translate, see it here. The resulting bread is absolutely the same.
This is how protein rich bread looks when baked as small 300g loaves in bread pans:
My jaw actually dropped when reading 500g vital wheat gluten.
Excellent information! Of course, more questions.
Have you tried using the VWG portion of these recipes with other low carb flours? What happened when you tried? These flours come to mind:
*Various nut/seed flours (almond,coconut, peanut,sunflower,hazelnut,etc),
*oat fiber,
* flaxseed meal
Obviously there was a journey involved in developing such elegantly succinct recipes and the lessons learned can be helpful to know so wheels do not have to be re-invented.
Thank you for sharing these recipes! I may have to work on sourcing VWG more diligently
18g of psyllium husk powder to every 500g flour.
Chickpea flour is good!
I've moved from keto to low carb as I've gone off meat completely so being meat free I need the extra carbs to help me get the protein in. If you google anything low carb they just presume you mean keto and I'm struggling to find flours which are in the range I'm looking for.
I tried my first experiment the night I posted this and it wasn't a great success.
makes 4 - 25.7g each
6g active yeast
125g bread flour
55g lupin flour
45g vital wheat gluten
120ml water
1/2 egg
20g butter
10g honey
4g salt
3ml oil
Lupin flour is really low carb and acts like a flour minus the gluten but it has a bitter aftertaste hence adding the honey but it still tasted not good. I had to tweak the brightness on this but they are also quite yellow. You can get white lupin but I don't think I will be going down that route. The texture was dense and flat.
I did low carb 20 years ago. The danger of it is becoming orthorexic: a compulsion to fit eating into an arbitrary standard of correctness and purity to provide a sense of control in a stressful life. Hopefully it's not that way for you.
Another option is to think more broadly about glycemic index and fibre. For instance, a whole grain rye bread is very satisfying and high fibre and you eat much thinner slices.
Additionally you can think about technique. For instance, sprouting and scalding whole grain can temper bitterness, admittedly due to changing starches into sugars.
I'm a diet controlled diabetic so don't have a choice unfortunately. Well I do, it's this or insulin. I have kept under 30g of carbs a day for years but am enjoying the slightly more relaxed 100g.