Transforming a boule or batard into other shapes

Profile picture for user SusanMcKennaGrant

Lately I've been making my favourite winter sourdough. Shorter days and cold weather always seems to call for heartier loaves so I laminate mine with tons of crunchy whole hemp, nori flakes and house made rice or oat koji. I shape these into a boule or batard, retard outside overnight and just before baking smear them with tons of good quality EVOO and kosher salt. Then I bastardize them by turning them into smaller shapes I can freeze. This is mainly so we don't devour an entire loaf in one setting. These breads are somewhat addictive ( if I do say so myself)!  Below are links to 3 of my instagram reels that demo these techniques....I hope you enjoy!


Boule to buns


How to deal with a bastard



Especially love that this kind of takes some of the boredom away from making the same bread.

The fougasse went into a sesame seed mixture? It looked a little like bran at first.

