73rd bake. 12/08/2021. WW, WG Rye, WG durum.

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Dec. 8, 2021.  74th bake.

The goal is to make at least 1300 g of dough, of approx 90% whole grain.  1300 to 1350 of WW dough fits nicely in the lid portion of my Lodge 3.2 qt combo cooker.

I want to try out this whole grain rye flour, just to get a taste of it.  And I have this roller milled whole grain durum I need to use up.  

  • 75 g Sher Brar Fiber Wala whole grain durum. 
  • 75 g whole rye, Malsena brand from Lithuania. 
  • 14 g salt, mostly Himalayan pink salt. 
  • 572 g bottled spring water. 
  • 456 g Bob's Red Mill stone-ground whole wheat, from red wheat. 
  • Let it soak for 90 minutes. 
  • 35 g bottled water. 
  • 67 g Gold Medal Bread Flour. 
  • 46 g of refrigerated starter, 100% hydration. (16 g of "Red" homebrew. 30 g of CHF San Fran.) 
  • 2 tsp of ground toasted bread spice. [1] 
  • 1 tsp of dry whole caraway seeds. 

75 + 75 + 456 + 67 + 23 = 696 total flour.

572 + 35+ 23 = 630 water.

75 + 75 + 456 = 606 whole grain.

This came out to 1340 g (calculated) less whatever sticks to bowl, utensils, and gloves.

3.3 % pre-fermented flour. 23 / 696.

90% hydration. 630 / 696.

87% whole grain. 606 / 696.

Dough weighed 1322  g at time of shaping and putting in banneton. 



1. Bread spice formula (courtesy of Hanseata): 2 parts (by volume) whole coriander, 1 part whole caraway, and 1 part whole fennel. Toasted in a dry frying pan until fragrant, then cooled, then ground.


The pan that it was baked in is the lid of the combo cooker. The dough did not fully expand out to the sides, or else if it did, it shrunk back during baking. The paper plate is 9" in diameter.






Thank-you.   I was pleasantly surprised at the oven spring.  I hope it's not mostly due to underfermentation.

I forgot to refresh/build-up a starter just for this bake. so I had to use some from two starters.  I took most of it,  30 grams, from one just 2 days-since-fed  and 16 grams from the other that was 6 days-since-fed.

I'm trying hard to not cut into it until 22 hours-since-baked. 


My scoring is still pretty much a hack job. I'm not consistent with depth.  I added the side scoring at the last minute as an experiment, and didn't match up the length of the cuts.

Maybe I can improve the scoring now that I'm more consistently getting a firm skin on the dough.


I rushed it too much. Tastes good, even better after 36 hours. But bulk needed to go longer.

There were no other gaping caverns like this one, so this one might be a shaping artifact.