I've been wanting to make a rye bread for a while to change things up a bit, and finally got to it today (and yesterday.)
I really liked Benny's version of Eric's deli rye (pretty sure this was part of a CB), so I decided that I would follow Benny's post HERE.
I don't have too much to add to Benny's post, other than things went pretty much as planned. I did extend the "bulk" to an hour to get to doubling, and this was a bit of an adventure to mix/develop by hand, but all in all, it came together as it should.
Here's my loaf after shaping, before adding poppy seeds, and using boxes of cat food for support rather than wine bottles (I have no doubt this will impact the loaf significantly!):
....and after baking, brushed with the cornstarch glaze:
I'll let this one "mature" until at least lunch tomorrow. My biggest regret is that I didn't cure any corned beef or pastrami for sandwiches! :)
Thanks for the detailed post of your version of this rye bread, Benny! Can't wait to slice it open!
- rgreenberg2000's Blog
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Beautiful loaf that I'm sure will taste great! I'm sure the cat food had a positive impact. You can't go wrong following on a Benny's recipes.
Thanks, Booda......fortunately, I cannot detect any cat food flavors in the finished loaf! :)
Very nice looking loaf!
Thanks, HH29! I enjoyed your recent blog post, and noted your delicious looking rye sour!
Beautifully done Rich, cat food > wine!! I can see why you might have regrets over not having the makings of a perfect pastrami sandwich after baking that lovely loaf.
....but what wine pairs best with cat food? ;) Thanks to your great write-up (and Eric's original), I was able to nail this one!
So, I could only wait until this morning to slice this loaf open. It felt so light/airy for its size as I transferred it to my cutting board. I'm very happy with the crumb on this loaf! Soft, fluffy, with a thin, crispy crust! Made fantastic toast!
Thanks again, Benny & Eric!
Nothing short of perfection Rich!!
Thanks, Benny. This one is going into the regular rotation for sure. I think I will make up a few "give away" loaves for my local crowd so they have something to make turkey sandwiches with after this Thursday! :)
Wow that looks great. Would love to have that on my counter for lunch. Lovely crumb and crust... just the kind of rye I wish I could buy locally.... if I still bought bread ;) Do I see some striping in the loaf crumb? Is there an inclusion?
Thanks, Happycat, I'm definitely pleased with this loaf.
No inclusion, I guess I ended up with some stratification of the autolysed flour, and the levain that was added after developing the dough a bit. I'm going to experiment with other options for including the levain, though I kind of like the aesthetic this way! :)
Very nice loaf. The effort is well worth the outcome. Nicely done.
Thanks, Gavin. I agree, the effort was well worth it, and, it's always a bonus when you try a new formula/bread/recipe, and it works the first time! :)
If you haven't got the pastrami!
Lovely loaf there, beautiful crumb.
Thank you, Jon! As it happened, I had some leftover ribeye steak, and I can personally attest that it's a darned good substitute for pastrami or corned beef on this bread! Mustard, pickle and swiss. Delish!
Lovely bake! The crumb looks fantastic and you can 'see' how light it must be (or have been at this point ;-). Thanks for posting! With this kind of testimonial I will be adding this one to the list of future bakes.
Thank you! I liked this one so much, I baked up three 1/2 loaves today to give away to friends for rye/turkey sandwiches this week! :) Give it a try......fun to play with rye for a change, and delicious!