just wanted to introduce myself - I am a newbie baker currently living in Spain. I am looking forward to some great insights and hope to be able to give some input as well at some point. Have a great day!Anna
As a new baker you will greatly benefit from The Fresh Loaf, and you may also wish to view https://www.elamasadero.com for information, recetas, and products to purchase.
I am looking forward to see my baking as well "LOL"! Have started my starter and am into day 4...so it will take a while. Till then, reading, research and learning.
As a new baker you will greatly benefit from The Fresh Loaf, and you may also wish to view https://www.elamasadero.com for information, recetas, and products to purchase.
Great site ;O)
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your baking. This is an international site and a wonderful resource of helpful people,
I am looking forward to see my baking as well "LOL"! Have started my starter and am into day 4...so it will take a while. Till then, reading, research and learning.