I learnt from this website and others that Barley flour is good for diabetes, and i managed to find this bread recipe
Rye and Barley bread
seems like a beginners baking recipe. i would like to try the recipe.
However i would like to substitute the sparkling water - will making a kvass (not done it before) be a good substitute for sparkling water- please advise.
Thank you for your kind help
to the recipe unless the seeds are salted. Seeds roasted are also tastier. No mineral water? Any effervescent drink should work. Canned Root beer comes to mind or a cola or ginger ale with lots of bubbles. I have no experience with kvass, sorry.
As suggested Mini i will toast the seed and add some salt - very grateful
thank you i have seen Ginger bug perhaps may look into it. Not sure how to make it. But i do like ginger beer drank it overseas.